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Friday 20 December 2013

System Analysis Exercise 2


When your system is fully installed, documents have to be issued.

We have the technical documentation & user documentation. You can think of them as manuals. Detailed information about a system's design specifications, its internal working & its functionality are found in documentation.

* User Documentation: It is provided to users to help them operate the newly implemented system. It can also take the form of a tutorial.

* Technical Documentation: It is provided specifically for the systems analyst & the programmer to help them in further upgrading & improvements

1st: The user documentation is issued to familiarize the system & its various components to the user who have no idea on how to operate it. It also saves the analyst's time, as if the documentation is effective, he/she won't be contacted on a regular basis. The user documentation includes:-

- Screenshots as well as descriptions regarding the operation of the system.
- Purpose of the system
- Input & output formats and what to do when errors arise.
- Hardware & software needed
- Troubleshooting guides and a list of FAQs 

The technical documentation  is also split into two parts:-

* System Documentation: It provides a detailed overview of the whole system. It includes:-
- Test plans & test results
- Results of system analysis (including elements such as DFDs)
- What is expected from the system
- Overall design decisions such as the choice of hardware and/or software.

* Program Documentation: It is produced for the pieces of program code that have been written. It includes:-
- A description and the purpose of the software.
- The input & output data formats that have been used.
- Program flowcharts that were produced.
- The program listing
                 --- This will help any future programmer to make modifications to the system ---