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Monday 17 February 2014

Online Services

Online Services

What are "Online Services"?

Those are the services that are provided to a variety of people from normal customers to tycoon businessmen over the internet which do not include much of physical activity.
These services include online shopping, online booking, online banking, etc... . You might remember how people used to shop traditionally by going to the retail shop and making their purchases and others who had to stand in long queues just to make a deposit, withdraw or even make small transactions. Well those days are over, or shall I say nearly over. 

How do "Online Services" affect society?

These services have affected the society positively. Thanks to the online services, people can now shop, book, pay bills, etc… from the comfort of their living room. Things have become much easier and faster as well. A salesman who used to travel in order to obtain goods and then sell them on to other regions can now order those goods from his own country/region and even sell them without stepping a foot out. But at what cost? Online services has raised concerns regarding personal data security. Names, addresses, bank details, etc… can be hacked & stolen leaving online customers as victims.

With these security concerns, would you think that people are still encouraged to take advantage of the online services? If your answer is no, then you should think again. There are no thieves without authorities taking them down hence security measures are considered and taken. For more about online security, refer to "Data Security and Legal Issues" post.



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