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Tuesday 25 February 2014

How Did Online Banking Affect My Life Savings

My Savings Are Gone!

How it started...

So, I woke up one morning during the weekend. I thought of checking my online account and pay my bills. To my shock, I found $138,500 missing from my account! What has happened, has the bank withdrawn some money from my account? I mean online banking is supposed to be secure, right? 

What did I do...

After this tremendous shock, I quickly notified the bank about it but they've refused to give me a refund because, according to them, I didn't notify them on time. It appears that my account has been ransacked several days before I checked my online account. I was also lucky to find out that my OWN HOUSE which could've been taken from me as well was not! But come on, not notifying the bank about what appears to be fraud early enough is not an excuse. If the bank wants us to "home bank" then it is their responsibility to make it safe & secure.

Online Fraud & Banking 

I must say, I headed for consultation from an IT professor who told me that he personally doesn't trust online banking because online fraud is hitting hard and the banks are not taking the essential action. They're trying to avoid responsibility by placing installed funds in their customers' laps.

How it is Going to End

After a long and tough negotiation with the bank, they've promised me a refund after investigation and proving that the case was indeed a fraud and not some misplaced transactions of my own. I just want my money back. It's as simple as that.

onlinebankingfraud account from youtube


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