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Saturday 23 February 2013

Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning

What is "Air Conditioning"?

Air Conditioning means controlling and altering the condition of air by means of cooling, heating, disenfecting, etc... to more favourable conditions. In the middle east it's used for cooling (obviously) while in cold places such as Europe, it's used for heating.

* AC is a short form for "Air Conditioning". Some people mix up between AC & A/C. A/C means "Alternate Current".


* From the cycle, we can see that low-pressure gas is compressed into high-pressure gas. The refregirant cools down to its liquid form and passes through the expansion valve which causes it to evaporate into a cold low-pressure gas. Heat is absorbed by the refregirant thus cooling the metal fins. A built-in fan blows air on to the cold metal fins causing room temperature to cool down.

File:Air conditioning unit-en.svg


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