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Tuesday 5 March 2013

Impact of ICT on Working Practices

Impact of ICT on Working Practices

 ICT has changed the world enormously in many different ways. People used to send written letters and it would take months to reach to the recieving party but today e-mails are used to deliver instant messages. From the social aspect, ICT has changed the way people used to communicate as it has introduced social netwroking sites to the world. But lets not forget on the working practices as well.


Q) How do workers experience this?

Workers' premises has been altered and  made more flexible. Workers can work remotely from home or anywhere away from their workplace. They can connect to their work's database via Virtual Private Network (VPN). This is a secure connection between the worker's PC/laptop and the company's network.

Q) How the working practices are different from the past?

Past: In the past, written documents were very common. Companies used to have a whole room for storing files. Those rooms were called as the "Registries". Companies also had to employ typists.When companies receive letters as written documents, typists would type them using a typewrite.

Today: Today, files are stored as digital format in small few hard disks and can be accessed by more than one person per time. Even documents can be word processed by clerks who can edit these documents effectively.

Old OfficeModern Office

ICT has made the world more efficient than before and work can be achieved much faster and effectively.


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